Wood vases offer any room an exotic appearance sure to attract the eyes of all your visitors. Coming in many styles, wood vases are always unique and genuine pieces of art. As with any piece of art, a wood vase can be a sensitive decoration and should be taken care of. Here are a few things every wood vase owner must know:
Avoid Sun Exposure
Avoiding sunlight is especially important when handling untreated wood vases. Sunlight can actually bleach the piece creating a rigid appearance. If placed directly by a window it is always best to keep the shade down or remove the vase when direct sunlight is present.
Avoid High-Moisture Levels
Wood can warp when exposed to high humidity, such as the showering room. If placing in the showering room you may remove it for showers and replace the vase once the room has been properly ventilated.
Avoid Extended Contact with Water (if untreated)
An untreated wood vase needs to be fitted with the proper plastic liner before being filled with water. Not doing this could cause permanent damage by cracking the wood. If you would like to avoid all chances of ruining the wood vase you can place dry accents such as dried flowers or wheatgrass.
Clean Your Vase Using a Dry Cloth
Simply take a dry cloth and wipe the wood vase down at least once a week and the vase will display beautifully. While there are many wood cleaners on the market, it is always best to keep your vase free of all unnatural chemicals. If an accident occurs you may use a small amount of natural cleaner.
Never Place a Wood Vase in the Dishwasher
Placing your wood vase in a dishwasher will almost certainly ruin it. The wood can not take the heat, excessive water, and pressure. It should also never be soaked in a sink full of water.
Fix Cracks Immediately
As with most other natural products, cracks in wood vases can spread if not sealed correctly. There are many products available to cure cracks but the all natural solutions have been deemed the most effective.